Friday, March 9, 2007


SERB HOLOCAUST- A PICTORIAL MESSAGE OF UNSPOKEN GENOCIDE AND HORROR - as posted by "Cossack" on between June 26 and July 9, 2000

Why were the Yugoslavian security forces fighting in Croatia Krajina, Bosnia; why did they enter Yugoslavian province of Kossovo?? I'll attempt to give you a Pictorial Answer to this nagging and ever present questions. What you are going to see is pure horror, a horrific genocide that is going on right now, while I type. A holocaust of a group of humans, ethnically refereed to as SERBS. What you are going to see did not happen 50 or 60 years ago. The time is - present.. This happens now! All of us, who are citizens of NATO's countries and pay taxes to support its armed forces, are the guilty ones - including MYSELF! There is no excuse!

NOW! We can only minimize our guilt, not erase it, by helping victims of the ongoing Serbian genocide-holocaust, and by doing anything humanly possible to STOP NWO-NATO's Murderous machine in its tracks.

The terror, the human suffering, the blood you are going to see in these pictures is on our hands ... NATO people!

What you are going to see is only a tiny portion of atrocities committed by NWO-NATO and its obedient servants: Muslims Albanians and Croats.

"ENJOY" - Don't Turn Your Head Away In Shock - Have a Hard Look at What We Have Done!

Thank you
The crime these Serbs had committed was going to the Sunday mass. It happened in Granovec, Yugoslavia Kosovo, before the Serb security forces intervened. This Serb family, here in the picture, was hacked to death by the NATO sponsored KLA in the summer of 1998. The woman in the picture was five months pregnant; Albanians (KLA) after raping her, literally cut the baby (fetus) out of her womb with a butcher-knife. The man in the right hand corner (her husband) had his legs chopped off with an ax at his knees, so before he died he was helplessly watching what savages were doing to his wife. Where is CNN reporting, I ask?


This Serb young father and his little baby were brutally butchered by the Albanian Bandits. After the NATO Forces entered Kossovo. One of the KLA bandits grabbed the baby by his tiny legs and smashed his head against the brick wall. Father was first shot then beaten to death with an iron pipe.
no further comments


This beautiful Serb girl was raped, tortured (her breast was cut off) - then she was beaten to death with a steel rod by the Albanian-Muslim bandits in Kossovo! Her genitalia were mutilated beyond recognition.
This happened after the NATO Forces entered Kossovo.

.... Never forget it


In this house two Serb children (1 and 2 year old) and their grandmother were buried alive by the NATO bombs ....


Bodies of Serb woman and two children exterminated by Muslims in Bosnia. The victims were chopped with an ax to pieces. This Serb young woman went through hell before she died, one of the children was half burned their stomachs were cut open. NEVER FORGET IT!!!!!


These Serb farmers committed a crime.... They were tending their livestock when they were slaughtered by the Nato supported KLA bandits.


After Nato entered Kossovo this entire Serb family was butchered, men were shot and decapitated. Women and children were raped and tortured. This ten-year-old girl (in the center) was raped by 20 KLA animals, her genitalia were mutilated with a wooden pole then she was killed with an ax blow to the head.

She went through hell before she died ... thanks to NATO.


IT DID NOT HAPPEN 50 OR 60 YEARS AGO. This happens right now! What is happening to SERBS is a horrific genocide. THE Genocide, that is going on right now, while I type. This Kossovo Serb Farmer's family was slaughtered by KLA - NATO aided bandits; younger women and children were raped tortured.

Genocide OF Serbs is HAPPENING NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In Bosnia, Croatia, and now in Kossovo, well over 1 MILLION Serbs were ETHNICALLY CLEANSED and/or EXTERMINATED (their property stolen).

Since NATO's arrival to Kossovo over 350 000 people were ETHNICALLY CLEANSED and/or EXTERMINATED




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